White Concrete Countertop & Furniture Mix - 9,700 PSI - 50lb Bags
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White Concrete Countertop & Furniture Mix - 9,700 PSI - 50lb Bags
Please note on shipping- If you select one of the "Pallet" options for this product, no shipping charges will be added when you check out, and we will email you a freight shipping quote invoice after. You can also contact us prior to placing an order with your shipping information and pallet quantity requested, and we can obtain a shipping quote.
White Countertop Mix is a pre-blended, all in one, high strength white concrete designed for casting concrete countertops. This White Countertop Mix has the very best blend of fine aggregates (mostly crushed white marble), Portland cement, and proprietary admixtures to insure no curling* or shrinking. The use of a specialized acrylic fiber network and the high flexural strength greatly limits the chance of cracking. This highly flowable, near self-leveling mix makes it the perfect choice for both your precast and cast-in-place designs and can be cast as thin as 1" for countertop applications.
*When using this mix for pre-cast concrete pieces in forms, it's a good idea to cover the concrete with plastic and keep wet for 48-72 hours before demolding. Keeping it wet and giving it the time to cure this way will prevent the concrete from 'curling' in a form, which is when the concrete dries faster on one side than the other and ends up warping!
Add White Titanium Oxide packs (sold here) to make this mix even whiter!
- When finishing White Concrete, Polymer Floats and Stainless Steel trowels should be used- Other metals can discolor the white cement. When working with White Concrete make sure to check out our other specialized White Concrete Products here.
Want a good 3-headed Planetary polisher? Best way to smooth out the concrete when doing cast-in-place countertops. While we don't currently sell any of these polishers, we have used with great success this Triad Polisher from Amazon for around $600 (click here). Use wet or dry- we usually use dry with 3 of our 4" Dry Polishing Pads in the 200 grit to just even out the countertop surface as well as lightly profile it so the sealer can get a great bond.
SPECIFICATIONS White Concrete Countertop & Furniture Mix - 9,700 PSI - 50lb Bags
- Each bag yields 0.43 cubic feet of concrete
- Mix with mortar mixer (drill) and 5-gallon bucket (see video below for mixing)
- When used in the Countertop Cast in Place Forms:
- 5.1 sq. ft. in thin 1 1/4" height Euroform Cast In Place Forms
- 3 sq. ft. in standard 2 1/4" height Cast In Place Forms
- 1.9 sq. ft. in the 3 1/2" height Commercial Bar Cast In Place Forms
- 2.9 sq. ft. @ 1.5" thick
- 2.3 sq. ft. @ 2" thick
White Concrete Countertop & Furniture Mix
- Non intrusive reactive fiber system for improved tensile strength.
- Impressive 9700 psi @ 28 days
- Initial Set: 2 hrs.
- Final Set: 5 hrs
- 4200 psi at 24 hrs. 8300 psi at 7 days. 9700 psi at 28 days.
- White mix and aggregates
- Quick cure time allows for grinding and polishing 24 hrs later.
- Works with all stains, integral colors and hardeners.
- Mixes, pours and fills with almost no effort. Highly flowable so it will pour easily through the FG50 Reinforcement Mesh.
- Sold in 50 lb. bags. Pallet quantities will ship by Freight, with the actual freight cost charges paid separately (we will email you an invoice for payment of freight charges)
- View: White Concrete Countertop Mix TDS
- View: White Concrete Countertop Mix SDS
- For finishing tips, the following video showing the finishing techniques used for the Liqui-Crete mix will work the same for this White Concrete Countertop Mix:
Below is a little video we made showing some easy staining techniques for making the white mix look antiqued: